1. A Growth Mindset
Dr. Carol Dweck, one of the most respected Positive Psychology experts in the US today, (The Growth Mindset, The New Psychology of Success):
The growth mindset is the belief that with hard work and experience, growth and development occur. This mindset creates a desire to learn. Those with the growth mindset see failure as an opportunity to learn, and they value risk-taking.
The fixed mindset is the belief that the intelligence and qualities a person is born with remain the same throughout his or her life. People with the fixed mindset view failure as intolerable, and spend much of their time trying to prove to themselves and others how smart and/or talented they are. They do not believe in the power of effort.Clarity is also critical for success! People who succeed consistently have created a clear plan — an action plan that leads to success. You to conquer challenges and take massive action to get real results in your life, business, finances and health.
1. A Growth Mindset
The growth mindset is the belief that with hard work and experience, growth and development occur. This mindset creates a desire to learn. Those with the growth mindset see failure as an opportunity to learn, and they value risk-taking.
The fixed mindset is the belief that the intelligence and qualities a person is born with remain the same throughout his or her life. People with the fixed mindset view failure as intolerable, and spend much of their time trying to prove to themselves and others how smart and/or talented they are. They do not believe in the power of effort.

Clarity is also critical for success! People who succeed consistently have created a crystal clear plan — an action plan that leads to success. You conquer challenges and take massive action to get real results in your life, business, finances and health.
- Dr. Carol Dweck, one of the most respected Positive Psychology experts in the US today, (The Growth Mindset, The New Psychology of Success)
1. A Growth Mindset
2. Fuel...Eat Real Food

Fuel your body with fresh, pure, unadulterated, real food 80% of the time. Packaged goods generally have very little nutrition remaining after the manufacturing process, therefore possess little life force, literally clog your brain, and make your organs work overtime to detoxify them.
Pay attention to how much protein/carbohydrates/fat your body loves, each of us is unique. Some of my favorite brain & body foods are wild salmon, kale, spinach, brussels sprouts, eggs, grass-fed beef, organic chicken..."Food is the most widely abused anti-anxiety drug in America" - Bill Philips
3. Hydrate with water, the great elixer
It is critical for cleansing your organs, brain, and cells. Drink half your body weight in ounces every day. Water is the first thing you should consume when you wake up and the last thing before you go to bed. In fact, your body is 70% water, which is about 10-11 gallons or 80-90 lbs.
Water is critical for every single physiological occurrence in the body. From blinking your eye to lifting your arm, to thinking. Drinking water helps you detoxify your body, maintain a healthy body weight, digest food and absorb nutrients, have healthy, glowing skin, decrease muscle and joint inflammation, and improve circulation.

4. Rejuvenate & Repair with long, deep sleep
​Sleep at least 7-8 hours every night. As mammals, we are tied to the sun, so aiming for 10pm-6am is ideal. Sleep deprivation increases your cortisol, which decreases serotonin and all your growth hormones. Lack of sleep can make you gain weight. If you go to sleep at midnight, you have cheated yourself out of one-quarter of your physical repair time! (If college students sleep between 12-8am, don't worry). Despite the availability of artificial, 24-hour, 365-days-a-year light, we're still tuned to the natural rhythm of daily and seasonal light/dark cycles.
Sleep can help you:
Stay at a healthy weight
Lower your risk for serious health problems, like diabetes and heart disease
Reduce stress & improve mood
Think more clearly and do better at work or school
Get along better with people
Boost your immune system
Increase productivity
Increase exercise performance
Improve memory

5. Movement is critical to health & happiness
Move your body in a big way every day. Your brain, spinal cord, organs, and muscular-skeletal systems need a minimum of 30-60 minutes of movement every day.
Find something you love to do. No need to train for a marathon - but try to break a sweat. Walking is a fantastic way to pump the body! So is yoga, tennis, golf, basketball, raking leaves, jumping jacks, bodyweight workouts, spinning, biking, pickleball, hiking, swimming, skateboarding, ice skating...
Make movement a non-negotiable event in your calendar. You're more likely to stick to it if you've committed to a friend or signed up for a class. The key is make it work for you and your life.

"Exercise is the most potent, yet underutilised anti-depressant" - Bill Phillips
6. Deep Breathing is necessary to balance all your systems
Many of us have an inverted breathing pattern, which increases cortisol, tightens our shoulder & neck muscles, impacting our executive functioning. With our coaching help, we'll establish diaphragmatic, yogic breathing patterns, enabling you to take more control over every system in your body. Three deep breaths can switch your nervous system into the parasympathetic mode, change the alkalinity of your blood, and drop unwanted cortisol. When we harness and control our breath, we control our life.